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16 March 2021 - 17 March 2021
ONLINE | Vaasa, Finland
Wind, Renewable and Smart Energy Matchmaking 2021


Take a front-row seat following our webinar program!

16 March at 10-11 (EET): Kohti hiilineutraalia rakentamista (in Finnish) 

To see the webinar, click here

Tavoiteltaessa hiilineutraaliutta rakentamisessa päästöhyötyihin pyritään mm. rakennusmateriaalien pysyviä hiilivarastoja, uusiutuvan energian tuotantoa muillekin toimijoille sekä hiilidioksidia ilmasta sitovia, ulkoisia kompensaatioita hyödyntämällä. Alan asiantuntijat avaavat eri ratkaisuja konkreettisten esimerkkien kautta ajankohtaisessa webinaarissa.

Moderaattori: Mauritz Knuts | projektipäällikkö, Vaasanseudun Kehitys Oy


  • Ulla Nykter | Liiketoiminnan kehityspäällikkö, rakentamispalvelut | Granlund Oy
  • Katja Pekkanen | Johtaja, projektit | Are Oy
  • Kimmo Lintula | Partner, Architect SAFA | Arkkitehtitoimisto K2S

16 March at 14-15 (EET): Power-to-X-to-Power-System (in English, live stream) 

To see the webinar, click here

A new method for storing renewable energy is being developed in Vaasa. The project offers a unique opportunity to pilot the hydrogen-based energy production solution for global markets, too. The hydrogen is to be produced with zero emissions from renewable electricity and utilized in energy production, industrial applications, and transport.

Moderator: Suvi Karirinne | Director, VEBIC


  • Jukka Lehtonen | Vice President, Technology & Product Management | Wärtsilä Energy
  • Erik Jungner | Director, Product Management | Wärtsilä Energy
  • Niko Paaso | Vice President, Power | EPV Energy Ltd
  • Hans-Alexander Öst | Director of Development | Vaasan Sähkö Oy

17 March at 10-11 (EET): Carbon neutral Vaasa 202X (in English, live stream)

To see the webinar, click here

The City of Vaasa strives towards in-depth understanding of its emissions. A new ground-breaking data analysis tool reveals the sources of the city’s emissions, allowing the efficiency of different emission reducing measures to be simulated and verified. 

Moderator: Marja-Riitta Vest | Head of RDI, Vaasa University of Applied Sciences


  • Mika Hakosalo | Energy and Climate Specialist | City of Vaasa
  • Fredrik Jansson | Lead business developer | TietoEVRY

Another interesting EnergyVaasa Talks event takes place on 17 March 14:00-15:15: Future Sustainable Workplaces

See the speakers and the program here.

Please register for this webinar here

The webinar is organized by the Future Cleantech Solutions project

Closed since 17 March 2021
ONLINE | Vaasa, Finland
Organised by
Finland 188
Türkiye 33
Ukraine 17
Germany 11
Portugal 10
France 9
Sweden 8
Spain 8
Lithuania 7
Poland 6
Slovakia 6
Belgium 5
Italy 5
Greece 4
Norway 4
Latvia 3
Romania 3
United States 3
Netherlands 3
Czech Republic 3
United Kingdom 3
Estonia 3
North Macedonia 2
Switzerland 2
Denmark 2
India 2
Bangladesh 2
Japan 1
Brazil 1
Sierra Leone 1
Moldova, Republic Of 1
Israel 1
Austria 1
Tunisia 1
Malta 1
United Arab Emirates 1
Bulgaria 1
Nigeria 1
Slovenia 1
Kenya 1
Total 365